Miss Jennifer Lane
MA MEd DPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)
Jenny joins the Pott rotation as an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer to lead collaborative research whilst completing her training in Orthopaedic Surgery. She studied undergraduate medicine at Exeter College, Oxford and undertook basic medical and surgical training in London. She graduated with distinction from Masters of Surgical Education at Imperial College, London and began training in Trauma and Orthopaedic surgery as a NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Oxford in 2014.
Working within the international OHDSI data science community, she uses large routinely collected datasets to improve our understanding of surgical treatments and the use of surgical devices. Her PhD in Musculoskeletal Sciences at the University of Oxford funded by Versus Arthritis Clinical Research and MRC Doctoral Training Fellowships focussed on the epidemiology of hand conditions, and her clinical interest remains in hand and wrist surgery.
Her research bio can be found in Barts bone and joint health page https://www.bonejointhealth.ac.uk/team/jennifer-lane/